Friday, January 27, 2006

I have to admit it's getting better?

Albuterol tastes like a combination of cabbage and feet. Though it's better than coughing 'til you throw up. On the other hand, Gatorade isn't half bad to vomit.

Dr. Aubley's nurse said that if I wasn't "turning a corner" yesterday, to give them a call. And I was. I sorted through some paperwork. Made a few calls. Logged in to Bank of America to discover that my mortgage payment went out two days before my paycheck arrived. Uff da. But, so it goes. My current financial system is still better than anything I've had before. At least my mortage payment went OUT. I do wish that I had been conscious enough to have caught it in time.

Went to the yarn store. Got some yummy yarn that wasn't nearly enough to complete the pattern I wanted to do. Found a really, really cool free pattern on the internet (see it here).

Have you checked out the pattern? Are you asking yourself why I'm trying to knit something demonstrably above my skill level? Did you know I have four cats? Perhaps there's a common explanation. Like, I'm completely crazy.

On the other hand, I pretty much quit knitting for six months. I was doing a scarf in a fun yarn (I wanted to give it as a gift). But I now I realize I hate scarves. I've been looking at quite a few patterns lately and there's a certain feeling I get when the pattern is right. It's not the "that looks fun and easy to do," it's "oh my god, you can knit that? I could knit that?"

Today, I'm flat on my back again. Must of "over did" it yesterday. Going to a yarn store and Kroger.

On another note. Since I haven't had the energy to train Athena, I tried running away from her for a couple of days. Every time I saw her, I went in the opposite direction. It was interesting. You know, Henry is steak. Something that you could have every day, and would always be nice. Athena is Tobasco sauce.

She reacted in several ways.

  1. She hid, because I was acting weird.
  2. She walked toward me to see what I'd do.
  3. And she tested whether or not the dining room table was fair game.

After all, if I'm running away from her, then I can't get her off the table, right? So she jumped up. And I made her get down. And she jumped up. And I made her get down. And she jumped up. And I made her get down. What about if she just puts two paws on the table and sniffs? No? What about one paw? What if she sits on the chair in front of the table?

Too smart for her own good.

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