Sunday, January 29, 2006

Cell Phones on the road: Not just for driving anymore

In a list of the places where one should not use a cell phone, walking around in the center merge lane of Roswell road would have to be close to the top. Not crossing Roswell road. Not on a median strip. Just walking around in the middle of an arterial road.

Of course, jay walking in front of oncoming traffic is also a bad place to use a cell phone. Especially if you have to stop in the middle of a lane to adjust your purse.

On the other hand, another not-particularly-smart idea is arising from a sick bed to buy a final ball of yarn, needles (OMG, I got addi TURBO needles. A slice of heaven, I kid you not.), and some pretty beads. Especially if you forgot to eat breakfast. Especially if people are standing around in the road talking on their cell phones.

I made it home, without a fatality, to have Orpheus greet me in the yard and ask to come inside. That tends to be a problem, because Henry likes to divebomb Orpheus from the new cat tower. Orpheus isn't particularly partial to this. So we went in through the basement door. It eliminated the rowdy crowd at the front door, but discombobulated everybody. To the point where Orpheus was seen licking the top of Alma's head. I'm aware that he intended to pin her to the floor by the back of her neck until she screamed in anger. He just got a little confused.

Here's a couple pictures of the new cat tower.

Alma is in the picture on the right. You can also see Athena - the two yellow dots peering from the bottom hole.

In the picture on the left is Alma and Orpheus sharing (!) the cat tower.

The front door is immediately right of the tower, great for scratch-marking the tower on the way in, or leaping on entering cats from above.

Actually, everybody was acting a little strange that day. Turns out that everybody's favorite feral is a knitty kitty. To the point where I had all her little claws stuck in my leg as she attacked my yarn. I let her play with the yarn - what's a couple of sweater-snags if Athena's coming around? - but I wouldn't let her run off with the whole ball. Who CAN resist Barranco's Soft Twist in Cycle?

Athena's still afraid of my hands but, as long as I don't try to touch her, is getting increasingly comfortable with the whole concept of me.

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