Saturday, September 03, 2005

A matter of perception

Frankly, it seems that the kitties' vet and I have diverging perspectives on the world.

Yesterday, they called to see how Athena was doing. They didn't seem to be amused when my answer was "Well, we just got her out of the air conditioning ducts. Her incision seems ok."

Since she had just gotten back from the vet, she still smelled strongly of surgery. Everybody was chasing her and trying to beat her up, so I put her in the office overnight. Unfortunately, Sergie had never put the vent covers back after remodeling. Now, these weren't holes that she could easily slip into - so I didn't think they'd cause a problem. These were holes that she had to squeeze herself down, with all of the power that was in her, in a desperate escape attempt from the room. I don't think she could have gotten out by herself, not to mention possible complications from the surgery. It took Sergie all day to put the ducts back up. So far, my marriage is surviving.

Today, Athena and Henry got a postcard from the vet.

"Dear Athena and Henry -
"Thank you for choosing Cat Care Hospital for your medical needs. We hope that your recovery goes well!
"If you have any questions or concerns, please have your parents call us at 770-424-6369.
"Sincerely, Cat Care Hospital"

I'm drafting a response:

"Dear Cat Care Hospital
"I know you didn't mean to rub my fur the wrong way, but there are a few issues I feel I should raise.
"First, I've been a single parent since that cad ran off six months ago.
Additionally, I firmly believe that no cat should go to the vet. Especially if they have to be put in a cat carrier and carried in a car.
"Finally, I will not be able to contact you at that number, because I do not have thumbs.
"Thank you for your efforts, Alma"

Everything is back to "normal" today. Nobody smells like the vet and everybody is healing well. Kitten surgeries are supposed to be easier and this seems to be the case.

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