Sunday, September 11, 2005

A groovy kind of love

For a long time, I've been saying that Henry will grow up to be an Orpheus-like kitty. Mostly I've been saying it because, as we know, Sergie is devoted to Orpheus but dislikes Henry.

Today, my statement was validated, though I did not get photographic evidence. Henry stole a dried apricot from me and is trying to eat it. I'm not sure that is more or less ridiculous than Orpheus's piece of licorice that was captured on film.

So, let's talk about Henry. But first: Henry! Get off the table.

Henry is the personification of bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Once he decided to be a snuggle-kitty, there was no turning back. He loves being picked up, so he circles my ankles until I have two choices: pick him up so that I can walk, or fall on my face.

Henry! Get OFF the table!

Of course, being a kitten, the love that he expresses tends to be a bite-y, scratchy sort of love. Meaning that, when I pick him up, he starts purring before chewing on my fingers with his back-teeth. Or, when I'm sitting on the futon, I'll suddenly feel a whole bunch of claws stabbing into my back. It somehow seems worth it when I scoop him up and he lays his silky head against my shoulder. Right before he starts biting my fingers again.


He's definitely still his mama's boy. He continues to wash her face when she tries to clean him. Also, when Alma and Orpheus become upset at each other, he'll barge between them, tail up, and rub against O's side. Henry is (of course) O's favorite, so that's an immediate distraction. Henry also takes care of his sister if she cries, and shares his mice with her when he plays.


On the other hand, he doesn't listen to a damn thing anybody says. Everybody else seems to understand that the kitchen table is off limits. I'm constantly pulling him out of the refridgerator, out of closets, carrying him out of the basement. He's into everything, rips apart paper, takes objects out of the bathroom trash to play with, types great words like bdreeeeeeeee on my keyboard and immediately shoves all of his toys under the closet door so he has nothing to play with. He also uses Sergie's clothes drying rack - an elegant, irreplacable design - as a cat jungle gym. (Have you tried the single-use Crazy Glue packages? They're great.) And, as Sergie points out, Athena does none of this.


How can I not love him?

P.S. I've figured out why "Henry" seemed perfect for this kitty. His narrow face and deep-set eyes look exactly like Henry Ford's.

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