Monday, July 25, 2005

He loves me, he loves me not

The kitties have been going on supervised, exploratory adventures around the house. At least Alma and Henry are.

Athena stays in the room crying "Come back, come back! We're safe in The Room." This is a kitten that hates change. She's so upset that she's hissing at me again. I'm not only going to have a house-feral - I'm going to have a feral that can't leave the guest bedroom. I don't know what I'm going to do with my allergic friends.

There is not hissing, etc between O and Alma. Alma is up in O's face more than he'd like. He tries to go someplace else and she runs after him to sniff his nose and his butt.

His relationship with Henry is very good. Henry runs up to O. O licks him. O hides behind a chair and pounces out at Henry, licking him when O catches him. O finds someplace high to sit to get out of kitten range.

When Alma sees O trying to leave Henry-range, she gets a little upset and tries to whack O with her paw. I, of course, put a stop to the incident before it gets started. I reminds me of all mothers: "What are you doing to my baby? My son wouldn't do anything like that!"

Henry is friendly-ish. He likes being petted and will approach me sometimes. On the other hand, if I'm just being a person - sitting in a chair or something, he'll avoid me. I think he trusts me, individually, but doesn't like people as a group. A lot of semi-ferals are like that.

I'm trying to bribe Athena with treats. I think what she really needs is a person on a rigid schedule. That way she'd know what to expect and wouldn't be so upset with things changing all the time.

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