Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Black female kitten is seeking Prince(ss) Charming for true love...

Athena is on the left.

I’m a princess myself, beautiful medium-length black fur and yellow/green eyes. I enjoy being enthroned someplace up high and am a fairly low energy kitten, unless there is a toy mouse involved. I met my first toy mouse when I was six weeks old. I wasn’t too sure about it: I need time to adjust to new things, but once I figured it out – watch out world! I hissed at my brother when he tried to play with it (he’s such a brat). I hissed at Mama when she looked at it. This is MY mouse.

I’ll probably hiss at you too. This might be because I lived outside for my first five weeks (mama used to tell about how nice it was to have an owner). Or it might be because I need to keep you in your place. I do enjoy being hand-fed wet cat food (there was some talk about how this was supposed to get me used to people’s hands, but I think it’s only right to get some service) and I have a super-sized purr. When I can relax, having the back of my head rubbed is great. I just need the right person to love.

One last thing, Mama is FIV+. This doesn’t mean that I am; I’ll get tested before I come to live with you. I come with my mouse, wet food, and will have my shots and be spayed by the end of August. Are you the one for me?

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