Thursday, June 09, 2005

20,000 Devils

When I got to the house today, there were no kittens in the cage. They had pulled out the cardboard I had blocking the small hole in the wire.

I caught K2 with little effort. K1 bit the hell out of my finger WHILE I had it scruffed. It was chewing and chewing.

I blocked the hole and did my clean-up routine.

Then came petting time.

Mama, of course, was in the mood for an extensive snuggle.

Then I started with K2. Hiss. Yes, right. Rub the back of the neck, rub the ears. That isn't so bad is it? Pet the back. Under the chin. Maybe up by the ears again? Total kitten. Nice isn't it?

Then K1. Hiss. Right. Hiss. Hiss. Hiss. Of course. "But since you're touching me, you might as well rub the ears..." Ears, back of the head, jaw. Hiss. Ears. Head to tail. Hiss. Back of the head. Head to tail. Maybe some more? "I think I'll lie down and you can get the other side a bit." Was that a purr? Totally accidental, I know. Hiss.

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