Sunday, June 05, 2005

1 little, 2 little, 3 little kitty cats

Dr. Silk, my favorite vet, suggested (when I took Orpheus in) to check every day for additional kittens.

Thus, a second little kitten. As Dr. Silk stated, given a day or two without food, kittens will start screaming their heads off, making them easy to find.

This one is unafraid of me (after I caught it). I guess because it had to depend on me a bit more than kitten #1. I scruffed #2, threw it into a box and took it on a 30 minute car ride. Strangely enough, instead of killing and eating it, I reunited it with its mommy. Or maybe it's just too hungry to care.

They are definitely on their way to be weaned. Given a choice between mommy and the wet food in the bowl, #2's choice was the bowl.

Mommy was unimpressed by the advent of a missing kitten, though willing to wash and care for it. As I have mentioned, cats can't count. She has at least one kitten and that's enough for her.

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