Sunday, June 19, 2005

Rules for Stray Cats - an email forward

Rules for Stray Cats

1. Stray cats will not be fed.

2. Stray cats will not be fed anything, except dry cat food.

3. Stray cats will not be fed anything, except dry cat food moistened
with a little milk.

4. Stray cats will not be fed anything, except dry cat food moistened
with warm milk, yummy treats and leftover fish scraps.

5. Stray cats will not be encouraged to make this house their
permanent residence.

6. Stray cats will not be petted, played with, picked up and cuddled

7. Stray cats that are petted, played with, picked up and cuddled
will absolutely not be given a name.

8. Stray cats, with or without a name, will not be allowed inside the
house at any time.

9. Stray cats will not be allowed inside the house, except at certain

10. Stray cats will not be allowed inside the house, except on days
ending in "y".

11. Stray cats, allowed inside, will not be permitted to jump up on or
sharpen their claws on the furniture.

12. Stray cats will not be permitted to jump up on or sharpen claws
on the really good furniture.

13. Stray cats will be permitted on all furniture, but must sharpen
claws on new .99 sisal rope cat scratching post with three perches.

14. Stray cats will answer the call of nature outdoors in the sand.

15. Stray cats will answer the call of nature in the three-piece,
high impact plastic tray filled with Fresh'n'Sweet kitty litter.

16. Stray cats will answer the call of nature in the hooded litter
pan, with a three panel privacy screen and plenty of head room.

17. Stray cats will sleep outside.

18. Stray cats will sleep in the garage.

19. Stray cats will sleep in the house.

20. Stray cats will sleep in a cardboard box lined with an old

21. Stray cats will sleep in the special KittyKomfortBed with
nonallergenic lambs wool pillow.

22. Stray cats will not be allowed to sleep in our bed.

23. Stray cats will not be allowed to sleep in our bed, except at the

24. Stray cats will not be allowed to sleep in our bed under the

25. Stray cats will not be allowed to sleep in our bed under the
covers, except at the foot.

26. Stray cats will not play on the desk.

27. Stray cats will not play on the desk, near the computer.

28. Stray cats are forbidden to walk on the computer keyboard on
the desk, when the human is asdfjjhhkl;ljfd.;oier'puyykmm4hb

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

More on FIV

As you all know, I have a FIV+ Mama cat and have been exploring various options.

I discovered that there is an FIV vaccine, but my vet refuses to use it because an FIV vaccinated cat shows up as FIV+ on all available tests. This could lead to Orpheus being put down due to a false positive. This seems ridiculous.

So I got a second opinion. The second opinion vet doesn't use the vaccine because there hasn't been enough testing done (I read something last night mentioning that the most prevalent strain on America's East Coast hasn't been tested with the vaccine). This vet recommended blunting the incisors: no sharp teeth = no deep bites, no deep bites = no FIV transmission. This would, of course, mean that she wouldn't be able to kill her own food, but she shouldn't be running around outside anyway.

That, plus a careful introduction of the two cats should mean problem solved.

She goes in for a spay on Tuesday (I think she's pregnant again - a co-worker is calling her a "slut". I've tried to explain that she thought she had found The One before her Tom left her. When he told her he made a mistake and still loved her, of course she took him back. She's very young. It's not her fault that he broke her heart again.)

The kittens are still very bad and growing bigger daily. Hopefully they'll test FIV negative and hopefully they'll do that before they're 6 mo. old.

Thank you all for your encouragement and support. This has been a trying period.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The FIV dilemma

Ok. There is a FIV vaccine. My vet doesn't want to give it to Orpheus because he might escape, get picked up, and killed because he'd test positive. You were talking about the possible benefits of your more tolerant attitude and lenient laws...

Have you ever heard of anything more stupid? So she'd rather run the risk of Orpheus getting a debilitating illness than having him vaccinated against it because people make fatal choices about cats with FIV. What happens if he goes outside, gets bit and gets put to sleep due to a true positive? Can't somebody mandate an ear tattoo or something?

So I'm still left with a variety of impossible decisions:

- Try to give away Mama and babies now (almost impossible)
- Keep Mama, etc. and run the risk of Orpheus getting a possibly debilitating illness
- Keep Mama, etc., get O vaccinated and run the risk of his being put to sleep due to a false positive
- Exterminate Mama and kittens due to Mama's true positive
- Put Mama into a box and ship her and her babies to a country that isn't completely insane.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Letter to No-Kill Shelters

I would like to ask for your help. I've rescued a Mama cat and her kittens, a boy and a girl, who were abandoned in my apartment complex. Both kittens (5-6 weeks old) are socializing quickly. I'd like to keep the Mama cat and foster the kittens until they can be adopted.

Now for the bad news: I took the Mama cat to the vet and she tested positive for exposure to FIV. Since I have a cat, I wouldn't be able to keep her unless she tests negative to the disease. I should get that information on Wednesday and will discuss options with my vet.

I'd like to start developing a contingincy plan for Mama and her babies if I get bad news. I've only got a couple of weeks from today to find another situation if she does, in fact, have FIV. Do you have the ability to care for cats that have FIV and, more importantly, would you have room?

I would, of course, pay for everybody's shots and spay/neutering. Also, if I can't keep her, I'd like to get a second cat - somebody who wants to stick their paws under a door for another cat.

Thanks so much,


Thursday, June 09, 2005

20,000 Devils

When I got to the house today, there were no kittens in the cage. They had pulled out the cardboard I had blocking the small hole in the wire.

I caught K2 with little effort. K1 bit the hell out of my finger WHILE I had it scruffed. It was chewing and chewing.

I blocked the hole and did my clean-up routine.

Then came petting time.

Mama, of course, was in the mood for an extensive snuggle.

Then I started with K2. Hiss. Yes, right. Rub the back of the neck, rub the ears. That isn't so bad is it? Pet the back. Under the chin. Maybe up by the ears again? Total kitten. Nice isn't it?

Then K1. Hiss. Right. Hiss. Hiss. Hiss. Of course. "But since you're touching me, you might as well rub the ears..." Ears, back of the head, jaw. Hiss. Ears. Head to tail. Hiss. Back of the head. Head to tail. Maybe some more? "I think I'll lie down and you can get the other side a bit." Was that a purr? Totally accidental, I know. Hiss.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

1 little, 2 little, 3 little kitty cats

Dr. Silk, my favorite vet, suggested (when I took Orpheus in) to check every day for additional kittens.

Thus, a second little kitten. As Dr. Silk stated, given a day or two without food, kittens will start screaming their heads off, making them easy to find.

This one is unafraid of me (after I caught it). I guess because it had to depend on me a bit more than kitten #1. I scruffed #2, threw it into a box and took it on a 30 minute car ride. Strangely enough, instead of killing and eating it, I reunited it with its mommy. Or maybe it's just too hungry to care.

They are definitely on their way to be weaned. Given a choice between mommy and the wet food in the bowl, #2's choice was the bowl.

Mommy was unimpressed by the advent of a missing kitten, though willing to wash and care for it. As I have mentioned, cats can't count. She has at least one kitten and that's enough for her.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Two Tiny Cats

So she led me to her kitten, then bit the hell out of me when I caught it. It's completely feral, but still nursing so there's hope. I'm worried that there's more that I've not found, but she doesn't seem particularly disturbed. When I gave her the choice between outside and the bathroom (where her kitten is), she chose the bathroom. Unfortunately, cats can't count. When they move their babies, they take each one and return until there aren't anymore.

So, if there are more and I can't find them - that's it. She can't help me with the problem. I'll take her to where I think they might be, but that's the best I can do.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Mama cat

I'm heartsick today. There's this little cat. She moved in with her sibling a couple of years ago. Her brother disappeared, but she was still around. It looked like somebody was taking care of her, so I never thought anything of it.

About a month ago, I noticed that she was roughly the size of a cantalope. I was pissed that they didn't get her spayed, but I thought she still had an owner.

A few days later, Sergie mentioned that he had seen her. I was pissed that her owners were letting her outside when she was that pregnant. Sergie argued: she wasn't big at all.

Crap. One of two choices:

1) her owners were tossing her outside (no mama cat would leave) when she had kittens a few days old.

2) guess what the second is.

I've been looking for her, trying to see if I can follow her to her kittens and rescue the whole family. Since I now have a house, I can support everybody until the kitten are big enough for homes of their own. I saw her once: obviously nursing. I tried to follow her, but we ran into the neighborhood tom. She looked at him, tried to find a way around him only to be stymied by the fact that I was following her. She obviously didn't know what to do so I left.

I saw her this morning. Picked her up, fed her. (She's way too thin. She ate a whole tin of catfood and another 1/4 cup of dry food) Waited around. Put her on my balconey while I got my laptop from work. Her teats were just nursed, so I wanted to wait until she really needed to visit her kittens. Came back and worked until she wanted to go outside. Followed her outside. Snuggled for awhile. (Her fur was rough like nobody was petting her) She walks under a parked car - and disappears. I try tapping on the hood to see if that's where she'd gone, but no luck.

I'm really worried about her. On the other hand, she now knows where to get food so maybe she'll return on her own.