Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance

08-10-2002. 08:01 Hours. Agent Athena Reporting

Life progresses more or less on schedule. The Pink Monster came in with wet food at 07:13. This time I was not cozened into remaining in the room, but ran out with my mom and brother.

Once the Monster left, I was first at the dish. I prefer that the Monsters not even see me.

There are TWO Monsters outside of the Room + a nasty cat. Luckily, the other Monster doesn't come AT me as often, though still innumerable times during the day. The nasty cat will hit me with his soft paw if I come to close. He might even bite. I stay away from him and hiss, sometimes, if I see him.

The food Monster tries to TOUCH me. Is it not enough that she come AT me millions of times, so I have to run and hide? Is it not enough that I can never completely relax? But it must TOUCH my fur.

Yesterday, it did again. The sensation was surprising wonderful, but I'll not be charmed by it. I know that nothing truly good can come from a Monster. It's better to Disappear when they are around.

It's amazing how close you can be when you disappear. I see them sometimes looking for me, before closing my mom and brother into the Room. My brother I even slept for hours within reach of the Monster. It never came near. Finally, it came AT us and TOUCHED my brother. I managed to escape.

I will never submit like my brother. He will allow them to TOUCH him and even asks for it. It might feel really, really good, but I know nothing good can come of it. I remember the Cage. I remember the nasty place with the needles. I will never forget.

The treats are mine. The food is mine. I will never be a slave.

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